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Strategic Giving to the Alma Mater, for the Academic Advancement of Physical Therapy Profession in Nigeria

A Paper Presented at the Historic
New Jersey, USA, 
JUNE 24 – 27, 2010
Victor A. Obajuluwa, PT, PhD
Professor and Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education
Ivy Tech, Northwest Indiana, USA

The Profession of Physical Therapy has grown from very humble beginnings in Nigeria to its present enviable status. A lot of historical documents and papers on the evolution of the Physical Therapy Profession in Nigeria have been written and presented by various authors and interested parties (1, 2, 3,). Like every great profession, our history is replete with great men and woman who have achieved greatness as leaders of this noble profession. They are great pioneers and giants in their own rights.

Most of these great men and women are still with us today, one of them in particular left an indelible mark in my memory. I am talking about Chief Christopher C. Ajao, the former Chief Physiotherapist in the old Oyo State and later the Oyo State Commissioner for Health. We shall always remember him with fond memories. I shall never forget the day I went to him when he was the Chief Physiotherapist and requested to transfer my services from the old Ondo State to Oyo State because of my post-graduate Studies at the University of Ibadan, Oyo State. I was in the process of prostrating to him to show my respect, as is the custom of the Yorubas when you meet an elder. He immediately restrained me and said: ‘we are professional colleagues now and I have the greatest respect for you as a good professional’. He beamed joyously: ‘welcome to the achievers’ pool of the Oyo State Physiotherapists!’ He immediately set in motion all that was needed for my work relocation. Such was his humility and respect for professional integrity.

Fortunately, most of the founding fathers who are great and dogged fighters on behalf of the profession that are still with us are many  and include, Chief (Dr) Thompson Abayomi Oshin, Pa Joshua Obiri, Emeritus Professor Vincent  Babatunde Nwuga, Professor G. I. Ordia, Chief Mrs. S. A. Ajao and many others. We proudly and respectfully say: Thank you for what you have done for the Profession of Physical Therapy in Nigeria.

Aside from the founding fathers, we now have a whole army of highly competent achievers and distinguished Intellectuals and academics as listed on the website of the Nigeria Physiotherapy Network (4). These include Professor Joseph A. Balogun, Professor and Dean, College of Health Sciences, CSU, Chicago, Illinois, USA; Prof Chukuka Enwemeka, Professor and Dean, College of Health Sciences, UW, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; Prof Dele Amosu, Professor and Director, School of Health & Rehab Sciences, UCT, South Africa; Prof Akinniran Oladehin, Professor & Chair, Dept of PT, MSU, Springfield, MO, USA; Prof Isaac Owoeye, Professor and Former Head, Dept of Physiotherapy, CMUL, Lagos, Nigeria; Professor Arinola,  Sanya, Prof  and Former Head of Physiotherapy, COMUI, Ibadan, Nigeria; Prof Mathew O Olaogun Professor and Former Provost, College of Health Sciences, OAU, Ile-Ife, Nigeria; Dr. Oladeinde Kehinde Abereoje, a business mogul in Private Physical Therapy Practice, Brooklyn, USA; Colonel Pascal Mogbo Rtd, Former Director of Professions Allied to Medicine, Nigerian Army Medical Corp, Bonny Camp, Lagos, Nigeria; Dr. ST Eke-Okoro, former Head of Physiotherapy Dept, University of Nigeria, Enugu, Prof A Onuoha, former Head of Dept, Physiotherapy, Bayero University, Kano; Nigeria; Prof Godwin Eni, who recently (2009) received an award in Toronto Canada, as one of the top 75 Canadian immigrants who have made some difference in Canada; and last but not the least, my humble self, Prof. Victor A. Obajuluwa, Professor and Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education, Physical Therapist Assistant Program, Ivy Tech, Northwest Indiana, USA.
What is Strategic giving?

The Free Dictionary by Farlex quoting from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company (5) describes the word ‘Strategic’ as: a. Important or essential in relation to a plan of action and as: b. highly important to an intended objective: The free online dictionary (6) describes giving as: bestowing  without receiving a return; to confer without compensation; to impart, as a possession; to grant, as authority or permission; to yield up or allow.
I went to this length to unravel the true meaning of ‘giving’ and ‘strategic’ in order to avail ourselves of the real objectives and plan of action this convention must pursue. These will clearly highlight and accentuate the utmost importance of why we are gathered here in this historic convention.

What then must be the plan of Action and what must be the intended objectives?
Let me start first with the intended objective(s):
  1. To give back to the Physical Therapy Profession in Nigeria in order to accelerate its future growth
  2. Getting organized for the intended purpose of achieving the number one objective as outlined above.
  3. Strategic planning for future expansion and inclusion criteria of the Ife Physical Therapy Alumni Organization for the purpose of achieving the number one objective as outlined above.
  4. Creating a permanent platform for future Conventions of the Ife Physical Therapy Alumni Organization for the purpose of achieving the number one objective as outlined above
  5. Planning for future mergers to create a central organization that could unite all Physical Therapy Alumni of all Universities and PT training institutions in Nigeria for achieving the intended objective of number one above.

What must be the Plan of Action to achieving the objectives outline above?
  1. Establishment of an Endowment fund for the purpose of perpetuating the ‘giving-back’ objective of number one under intended objectives
  2. Creating ways and means of attenuating the intellectual and professional depletion of the pool of highly qualified Nigerian Physical Therapy Professionals migrating abroad at an alarming rate. It is popularly called ‘brain drain’.
  3. Creating other fund-raising activities (aside from endowment) and publicizing to create  awareness, side by side with building and instilling confidence in the integrity of management of funds collected for the purpose of number one under plan of action through complete transparency.
Establishment of an Endowment Fund:
What is an endowment fund? Joanne Fritz (7) described an endowment fund as a restricted fund. Only the interest from such funds can be spent, and not the principal that anchors the endowment. Sometimes, only portions of the interest are spent on an annual basis in order to make sure that the original principal will grow over time. In most cases financial and money managers are employed to oversee and manage the funds. Such funds could be invested in bonds, stocks, shares and other holdings.

The major advantages of an endowment fund are:
  1. The stability of the funds that could be in perpetuity.
  2. Another is that it could help to diversify sources of income to reduce dependency on unstable sources.
  3. An endowment could be very comforting for donors because it represents a gift from them that will keep on giving even after their demise.
One major disadvantage is that of a Nigerian environmental culture of graft and fraud where there could be allegations of fraud and corruption. Complete transparency in the management of funds will go a long way to reducing suspicion.

How to Start an Endowment fund:
  1. Give a name to the Endowment. Catchy philosophical names are important for attracting donors.
  2. Create a website where you can explain the thrust and philosophy of your fundraising activities.
  3. How much do you want to start with?
  4. How much can you individually afford annually?
  5. Look for donors diligently. You must find other sources of grants and aids from charitable organizations
  6. Start modestly and build up. Endowments are long-term projects.
  7. Establish a board to set up rules and guidelines for the management of funds.
  8. Work closely with your accountants and attorneys to make sure you are in compliance with state rules and regulations guiding establishment of endowment funds.
Reversing the brain drain:
  1. Those in Academia especially those in top management positions in Diaspora must try to convince their institutions to establish Physical Therapy educational affiliation agreements with Nigerian Universities. This will create a smooth interchange of Student and Faculty Exchange Personnel
  2. Members of Faculty or Academia in Diaspora should try to obtain sabbatical leaves to go back to Nigeria to teach periodically in Nigerian Universities.
  3. Faculty or Academia willing to try number 2 above should be psychologically and financially supported through a token grant from the endowment fund as a form of appreciation.  
Other fund-raising sources and Transparency in fund management:
  1. Personal levies
  2. Voluntary contributions
  3. Grants search and grant-writing by experienced grant-writers
  4. Complete transparency in the management of funds by seeking the help of professional fund managers.
In conclusion, I pledge to do all I can to support the noble objectives of the Ife Physical Therapy Alumni Convention if and when called upon to do so. I pray that the Almighty and Omnipotent Father of Grace support and guide you in your gracious and compassionate mission of giving.

Those who give shall receive… Malachi 3: 10, 11: Holy Bible (8) which states: ‘Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal shall it be measured to you again’.
 It is well with our souls.

  1. Oke, Kayode (Friday, Nov. 6, 2010): Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy strikes gold. Sun News, Lagos, Nigeria.
  2. Nwuga, VCB (1986) History of Physiotherapy in Nigeria in a paper presentation at the Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy Conference.
  3. Vincent Nweke Chinonso, National President (2010): Nigerian Association of Physiotherapy Students (NAPS) History of Physiotherapy in Nigeria:  web online resource: The Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy this year (2009) is celebrating 50 years of Physiotherapy training and Practice in Nigeria.
  4. Nigeria Physiotherapy Network (2010): Emmanuel B. John, PT, B.Sc., PhD, Executive Editor, Nigeria Physiotherapy Network, Department of Physical Therapy, Howard University, College of Pharmacy, Nursing & Allied Health Sciences, Washington DC, USA. An online resource of the Nigeria Physiotherapy Network.
  5. The Free Dictionary by Farlex (2010): quoting from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company
  6. The free online dictionary (2010) Google.com – an online resource
  7. Joanne Fritz (2010): About.com Guide – an online resource
  8. Malachi 3:10, 11,: The Holy Bible (KJV): Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal shall it be measured to you again.