User Info
User Profile: ptsamueljumbo | |
Profile image | |
Sex | Male |
First name | Samuel |
Last name | Jumbo |
City | jimeta yola |
Country | Nigeria |
Office phone | +2348066338793 |
Birthday | 12.04.2013 |
Profession | physiothrapist |
Interests | having great delight in the things of God. why, cos we therapist treat and heal various ailment but the almight makes the patient whole both in spirit soul and body. |
State or Province | adamawa |
Physiotherapy School You Graduated from: | University of Maiduguri |
Graduation Year | 2011 |
Current PT Status: | Active |
Area of Physiotherapy Specialisation*: | manual therapy |
Middle Name | Ugochukwu |
Brief Biography (If Available) | i am a highly motivated pt. that looks up to mentors not only in my field but in other top ranking areas of medicine. i graduated from the university of maiduguri 2011 and did my one year internship in the prestigious jos university teaching hospital where knowledge and the descipline of clinical practice was instilled in my heart. for me the sky is my starting point in this profession. as my HOD Dr oyeyemi will always say, money is not what matters but touching lifes, that is what matters most to me in achieving my vision as a physiotherapist. hope to connect with colleaques in this forum. |
Inclusion Criteria | I'm a Nigerian trained Physiotherapist |
Your Entry-Level PT School | 2005 |