User Info
User Profile: Balogun | |
Profile image | ![]() |
Sex | Male |
Salutation | Prof. |
First name | Joseph |
Last name | Balogun |
Company | College of Health Sciences at Chicago State University |
City | Chicago |
Country | United States |
Birthday | 01.01.1955 |
Website | |
State or Province | IL |
Physiotherapy School You Graduated from: | University of Ibadan |
Graduation Year | 1977 |
Post PT Degrees (e.g. MSc, MEd, PhD, DPT)*: | MS, PhD, FACSM, FNSP, FAS |
Current PT Status: | Active |
Current Position or Designation | Distinguished Professor, College of Health Sciences at Chicago State University |
Current Work Place*: | College of Health Sciences at Chicago State University |
Area of Physiotherapy Specialisation*: | Research and Administration |
Current Office Address: | College of Health Sciences Chicago State University |
Middle Name | Abiodun |
Brief Biography (If Available) | Joseph A. Balogun, PT, Ph.D., FACSM, became the Dean, College of Health Sciences at Chicago State University on September 1, 1999. Immediate prior to this appointment, Dr. Balogun was Professor and Chairman of the Physical Therapy Program and Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs in the College of Health Related Professions at the State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn. Dr. Balogun has worked both in clinical and academic settings: physical therapist, General Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria, 1977-1980; Teaching Assistant, School of Health Related Professions, University of Pittsburgh, 1982-1984; Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy, Russell Sage College, Troy, New York, 1984-1986; Lecturer 1 and Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria, 1986-1989; Senior Lecturer and Consultant Physical Therapist, 1988-1990; Vice-Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 1990-1991; Visiting Research Scholar at the University of Florida, 1988; Associate Professor and Director of the Industrial Rehabilitation Laboratory, Texas Woman's University, Houston, 1992-1993; Contract Physical Therapist, Del Oro Institute for Rehabilitation, and Health Focus Inc. Houston, 1992-1993; Visiting Professor, Barry University, Miami, Florida, 1996/1997; Professor and Chairman of the Physical Therapy Program and Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs, State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn, 1993-1999. Dr. Balogun brings to the position of Dean a distinguished academic and administrative career. He is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine. Dr. Balogun is the author of over 80 manuscripts published in peer-reference journals around the world. Dr. Balogun is a member of the editorial board for the International Journal of Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, and Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy Rehabilitation . He is also a manuscript reviewer for Perceptual and Motor skils Journal of Allied Health, Physical Therapy Journal and Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation. Between 1991-1993, he served on the editorial board of the Journal of Human Movement Studies. EDUCATION * Ph.D., Exercise Physiology (Cardiac Rehabilitation), University of Pittsburgh, 1985. * Certificate in Educational Research Methodology, University of Pittsburgh, 1983. * MS, Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, University of Pittsburgh, 1981. * BS, Physiotherapy, University of Ibadan, 1977. MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION * Fellow, American College of Sports Medicine (FACSM). * American Physical Therapy Association. * American Academy of Physical Therapy. RESEARCH INTERESTS * Orthopedic/Sports Physical Therapy, Ergonomic/Work Physiology. * Physical Agents and Electrotherapy. * Physical Therapy Education and Administration. * Effects of Health Education on Knowledge and Attitudes about AIDS. CHAPTER IN BOOKS AND PUBLISHED PROCEEDINGS * Weisberg J and Balogun JA. (2006). Chapter 27: Ultraviolet Radiation. In: Hecox B, Mehreteab TA, Weisberg J and Sanko J. (Editors). Integrating Physical Agents in Rehabilitation. Pages 429-446. Second Edition. Pearson Practice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. * Balogun JA, Katz J. (2002). Chapter 6: Physiological Changes, Impairment and Functional Limitations Associated with Aging; pages 39-59. In: Bleiberg-Sperson S, Hagemann C (Editors). Elder Care and Service Learning: A Handbook. Greenwood Publishers Group, Inc., Westport, CT. * Balogun JA. (2002). Chapter 33: Evaluation of Service Learning for Physical Therapy Students; pages 244-251. In Bleiberg-Sperson S, Hagemann C (Editors). Elder Care and Service Learning: A Handbook. Greenwood Publishers Group, Inc., Westport, CT. * Amosun SL, Balogun JA. (1995). Providing effective physical therapy services in Africa: Are we selecting the right caliber of students into our training programs. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy. * Balogun JA, Pelegrina E, Helgemoe S, Hoeberlein T. (1995). Burnout syndrome in Physical Therapy educational programs: Facts or Fiction? In: Proceeding of the 12th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy. PL-RR-0530-W; page 530.. * Hoeberlein T, Balogun JA, Titiloye VM. (1995). Determinants of physical-and occupational therapy students’ attitudes toward the elderly. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy. PL-RR-0611-M; page 611. * Balogun JA. (1997) Showcased Model Program: Geriatric Care Service-Learning in Physical Therapy Education. In: Seifer SD, Connors KM (eds). “Community-Campus Partnerships for Health: A Guide for Developing Community-Responsive Models in Health Professions Education.” First Edition, pages 95-96, Published by Health Professions Schools in Service to the Nation Program. PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS/ABSTRACTS ( Selected from over 100 publications) * Balogun, J.A., Helgemoe, S., Pellegrini, E., Hoeberlein, T. (1995). Test – retest reliability of a psychometric instrument designed to measure physical therapy students’ burnout. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 81:672. * Balogun, J.A., Pletcher, E.A., Miertschin D.E., Martinex E.D., Hoeberlein T. (1995). Cardiovascular adjustments and perceived exertion during exercise on the BAPS board. International Disability Studies, 17: (8) 430-436. * Balogun, J.A., Hoeberlen, T., Schneider, E., Katz, J.S. (1996) Academic Performance is not a viable determinant of physical therapy students’ burnout. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 83:21-22. * Balogun, J.A., Tang, S., He, Y.X., Hsieh, J. M, Katz, J. (1996). Effects of high volt galvanic stimulation of ST36 and ST37 acupuncture points on peripheral blood flow and skin temperature. Disability and Rehabilitation, 18(10):523-528. * Amosun, O., Balogun, J.A. (1996). Determinants of academic and clinical performance in the physiotherapy education programme at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Medical Sciences, 25:225-229. * Balogun, J.A.; Ajayi, L.O., Alawale, F. (1997). Determinant of single limb stance balance performance. African Journal of Medical Sciences, 26:153-157. * Balogun, J.A., Kaplan, M., Hoeberlein-Miller, T., Anthony, A., Lefkowitz, R. Hsia, L (1998). Knowledge, attitudes and willingness of junior health care professional students’ to provide service for patients with AIDS. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 12(1):57-64. * Balogun, J.A., Powell, R., Trullender, B., Olson, S. (1998). Intra-and-inter tester reliability of the Nicholas hand-held dynamometer during evaluation of upper extremity isometric muscle strength. European Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 8:(2) 48-53. * Balogun, J.A., Biasci S, Han L. (1998). Effects of acupuncture, electroneedling and transcutaneous electrical stimulation therapies on peripheral hemodynamic functioning: A review. Disability and Rehabilitation, 20(2):41-48. * Balogun, J.A., Kaplan, M., Miller, T. (1998). The effects of professional education on the knowledge and attitudes of physical therapist and occupational therapist students about acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Physical Therapy, 78 (10): 1073-1082. * Balogun, J.A., Hoeberlein, T. Katz J, Schneider E. (1999). Pattern of physical therapist students’ burnout within an academic semester. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 13 (1):12-17. * Balogun, J.A. (1999). Acupuncture: a rebuttal. Disability and Rehabilitation, 21(3) 137-138. * Katz JS, Titiloye VM, Balogun JA. (2001). Physical and occupational therapy undergraduates' stereotypes of one another. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 92, 843-851. * Balogun JA, Katz J. (2002). Physiological Changes, Impairment and Functional Limitations Associated with Aging: A Critical Literature Review. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon (Turkish Physical Therapy Association Journal), 13(1): 37-60. * Balogun JA, Titiloye VM, Balogun A, Oyeyemi A, Katz J. (2002). Prevalence and determinants of burnout among physical and occupational therapists. Journal of Allied Health, 31 (3): 131-139. * Balogun JA. (2004) Invited Commentary on Therapists Burnout. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. June Vol. 11 (6): 258. * Balogun JA, Sloan PE, Hardney K. (2005). Health professions career awareness program for seventh-and-eight-grade African American students: A pilot study. Journal of Allied Health, 34 (4): 236-243. * Balogun, JA, Sloan, PE, Germain, M. (2006). Determinants of tenure in allied health and nursing education. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 56 (5), 532-541. * Balogun, JA, Sloan, PE, Germain, M. (2006) Tenure policies and practices in allied health and nursing education. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 10(3), 54-60. * Balogun, JA, Sloan, P.E. (2006) Emerging trends on tenure policies and practices in nursing and allied health education. Journal of Allied Health, 35 (3): 134-141. * Balogun, JA, Sloan, PE, Germain, M. (2007). Core values and evaluation processes associated with academic tenure. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 104 (4):1107-1115. RECENT GRANTS * 2008-2012: Training Occupational Therapists to Practice in Schools (TOPS). US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. $ 800,000. (Grant writer and Principal Investigator (PI): Balogun JA; Co-PIs: Roundtree L, Smith R) * 2007-2010 Transitional Allied Health Education Partnership. Illinois Board of Higher Education HECA grant. $300,000. (Grant writer and Principal Investigator (PI): Balogun JA; Co-PIs: Adedeji Adefuye) * 2000-2004: Multi-disciplinary Community-Based Clinical Education. United States Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration; Allied Health Grant Program. $404,750; 07/1/2000 - 06/30/2003. (Grant writer and PI: Balogun JA; Grant writer: Sloan P; Co-PI’s: Kshepakaran K, Roundtree L, Thomas L, Perry D. RECENT PROFESSIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS * Physical Therapy Licensing Examination Review workshop. Sponsored by the Physical Therapy Program, SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn, May 2-3, 1999. * Student Assisted Independent Living (SAIL) workshop for clinicals, and managers community agencies, long term and independent home care facilities. Sponsored by the Physical Therapy Program. SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn, April 22, 1998. * Balogun, J.A. Strategies in the recruitment and retention of minority students in physical therapy education program. Invited speaker on a panel discussion entitled: "Preparing physical therapists for the 21st century: Integration of cross cultural knowledge and values." Combined sessions meeting of the APTA Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas. February, 1997. Listed in PT Magazine of Physical Therapy, November 1996; page 89. * Balogun, J.A., Kaplan, M., Hoeberlein, T. Does professional education influence the knowledge and attitudes of physical-and-occupational therapy students about AIDS? Presented at the 1997 APTA Annual Conference: San Diego, California, May 30-June 4, 1997. * Balogun, J.A., Zuccaro, T., Katz, J., Miller, T., Schneider, E. Service-learning in physical therapy education: Lessons from the Health Science Center at Brooklyn. Platform presentation at the combined sessions meeting of the APTA Annual Conference, Boston, February, 1998. * Balogun, J.A., Titiloye, V., Oyeyemi, A., Balogun, AO., Zuccaro, T. Determinants of physical-and-occupational therapists burnout. Accepted for platform presentation at the APTA scientific meeting and exposition, Washington DC; June 4-7, 1999. RECENT PROFESSIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE * Editorial Board Member, Journal of Allied Health, June 1999 –2005. * Grants Application Reviewer, Foundation for Long Term Care, Albany, NY, 1996-1999. * American Physical Therapy Association Committee for screening proposals and abstract for the Annual Scientific Meeting and Exposition, July 1, 1997 – June 30, 2001. * Reviewer, Physical Therapy, 1994 – 2005. * Associate Editor, International Journal of Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 1997 – Present. * Editorial Board Member,Turkish Journal of Physical Therapy Rehabilitation 2002-Present. |
Inclusion Criteria | I'm a Nigerian trained Physiotherapist |