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Adegoke Appointed Dean & Professor, Faculty of Allied Health at UNIMED

Professor Babatunde Adegoke, Dean of Allied Health, UNIMEDThe University of Medicine, Ondo, (UNIMED) has announced the appointment of Professor Babatunde Olusola Adeleke Adegoke from the University of Ibadan as the Dean of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences effective from August 1, 2018. In this position, Professoke Adegoke will be overseeing the Department of Physiohterapy, and Medical Laboratory Science. Another program in development for the Faculty od Allied Health Science will be Occupational Therapy.

Professor Adegoke obtained his B.Sc (Physiotherapy) and Ph.D. degree degrees from the University of Ibadan and MS degree in orthopedic and sports physical therapy from the School of Health-Related Professionals at the University Of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Professor Adegoke started his academic career as Lecturer I in 1996 at University of Ibadan. He was in 2002 promoted to the rank of Senior Lecturer and full Professor in 2016. Professor Adegoke has authored over 70 peer-reviewed publications in reputable journals. He has served as an External Examiner in Physiotherapy at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels in several universities in Nigeria and Ghana. He is a manuscript reviewer for several local and international journals and serves on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy, Journal of the Medical Rehabilitation Therapist Registration) Board of Nigeria and the African Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. Read more about Professor Adegoke HERE.

The Nigeria Physiotherapy Network heartily congratulates Professor Adegoke for this well deserved appointment.

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21:14:25 03.09.2018