About Us > Our Mission
Welcome to the Nigeria Physiotherapy Network. We are celebrating over 50 years of excellence and achievements of Nigeria Physiotherapy Training and Practice. This website was first started by a Nigerian trained Physiotherapist, Emmanuel B. John, PT, PhD in 1999, administered and constantly upgraded by a Management Team of other Nigerian Physiotherapists at home and abroad. We also welcome contributions from Nigerian Physiotherapists from around the world.
This website is dedicated to:-
1. The advancement and promotion of the principles and practice of Physiotherapy in Nigeria and worldwide.
2. Educate the public on the physiotherapy profession.
3. Provide an interactive network/forum for cross-fertilization of ideas amongst physiotherapists of all nations.
4. Provide an internet interactive network/forum for all Nigerian trained Physiotherapists both at home and in Diaspora to exchange professional ideas and opinions.
5. Provide information on the state of the Physiotherapy Practice and Training at Home to keep NSP-Physiotherapists abroad informed of developments.
6. Provide a physiotherapy research data base for educational and research purposes.
As you visit this website, we will take you through Physiotherapy etcetera as it concerns Physiotherapy training and practice in Nigeria particularly and worldwide. Please write us and let us know how we can serve you better.
History of Nigeria Physiotherapy Network
The Nigeria Physiotherapy Network first went online in the year 2000 as http://www.nigeriaphysionet.8m.com using a free-web hosting facility. We are now hosting the website on a paid server with our own domain. The PhysioNetwork team regularly update website content.
Contact the Web Administrator:-
Nigeria Physiotherapy Network
Email: webmaster@nigeriaphysio.net