User Info

User Profile: keithmoore
Profile image keithmoore
Sex Male
First name kenneth
Last name chukwuegbo
Company kenkingston health strategy
Address 13a abel jumbo lane
City port harcourt
ZIP 234
Country Nigeria
Private phone 2348082886893
Mobile phone 2348033896043
Profession physiotherapy
Interests Neurology, geriatrics, research and trauma
State or Province rivers state
Physiotherapy School You Graduated from: Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi
Graduation Year 2009
Current PT Status: Active
Current Position or Designation physiotherapist
Current Work Place*: university of port harcourt teaching hospital
Area of Physiotherapy Specialisation*: neurology
Middle Name onyebuchi keithmoore
Inclusion Criteria I'm a Nigerian trained Physiotherapist