User Info

User Profile: irogueek
Profile image irogueek
Sex Male
Salutation Mr
First name Kennedy
Last name Irogue
Company Federal medical centre
Address Lokoja
City lokoja
ZIP 234
Country Nigeria
Private phone 08034122266
Mobile phone 08034122266
Profession Physiotherapy
Interests Neurology and Orthopeadic phusiotherapy
State or Province kogi
Maiden Name (if applicable) Igiebor
Physiotherapy School You Graduated from: Obafemi Awolowo University
Graduation Year 2010
Post PT Degrees (e.g. MSc, MEd, PhD, DPT)*: BMR(PT)
Current PT Status: Active
Current Position or Designation Corper Physiotherapist
Current Work Place*: Federal medical centre,lokoja
Area of Physiotherapy Specialisation*: Orthopeadics
Middle Name Eghosa
Inclusion Criteria I'm a Nigerian trained Physiotherapist